Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How are the current operation?

How are the current operation?
An operation (short: OP) is instrumental, surgery on or in the body of a patient for the purpose of therapy, less often of diagnostics. In general, he is under anesthesia.
As perioperative refers to the period around the operation.

When intervening in the body can be divided into three phases: access, operation in the narrow sense and closure of access.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Which and how many operations annually in countries?

Which and how many operations annually in countries?
To the urgency of such an intervention may distinguish:

Emergency operations, which must, in the interests of the patient to be carried out immediately,urgent surgery, which should be within a specified short period of time completed (24 hours) and Electoral operations, better be described as elective surgery. Here the time of surgery may be nearly free.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

How equipped operating rooms?

How equipped operating rooms?
An experimental operating room is a device in the surgical technology, medical, building, and textile art in the sense of efficient and safe system to be developed, demonstrated and trained.
 Patients without risk and without interruption, in this "experimental operating" a complete system in different functional states are not only explains and trains, but also repaired and maintained. Research and development of new products and the simulation and optimization of working processes are also the target system.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

How and where operational testing equipment?

How and where operational testing equipment?
Different companies use the "experimental operating" as a laboratory for research and development of new technologies and services that are used for design, construction and operation of healthcare facilities.

Here, allowing the experimental operating the viewing angle of the sole product development to meet the requirements, processes and tasks in the hospital to expand.